problems that are likely to develop between a sponsor and a sponsee include:

  • The sponsor returns to alcohol or drug abuse. This can be a real trauma for the sponsee and they may even feel like their own sobriety is in jeopardy. It comes as a huge shock to find that somebody they depended on and looked up to has relapsed. It is particularly upsetting when the sponsee is in early recovery.
  • Some sponsors can try to take over the sponsee’s life. Instead of offering advice, they become bossy and interfering.
  • Sponsors will usually get to hear a great deal of personal information. They could later use such information inappropriately.
  • If the sponsor is overcritical, it can have a negative impact on the sponsee’s self-esteem.
  • Sponsors can give bad advice just like anybody else. It is crucial that the sponsee questions any advice that has been given, particularly medical advice.
  • Some people will use sponsorship as a means of pampering their own ego. This means that they have nothing of real value to offer their sponsee.
  • Occasionally, sponsors will sexually exploit the people they are meant to be helping.
