Our lives have become miserable. And, to escape that misery, we have created various escape routes

Our lives have become miserable. And, to escape that misery, we have created various escape routes, through which all the time we are escaping from our misery; which misery is, itself, because we are not experiencing reality. That is why we take to alcohol or to drugs, or sex or to whatever it is, Because otherwise what is there in our life? It becomes meaningless.So the whole attempt of (life) is to help us experience reality as it is, When that happens we discover unconditional love, and unconditional joy. We feel connected with everything and everybody. We do not feel we are a separate individual; we do not live for ourself alone anymore, because our 'self 'has become everybody. We live for the sake of humanity.

"This is not a concept or some imagined thing,This is a day-to-day reality at the stages.
