Our Loving-Kindfulness Based Therapy works on-line with a 4 week course

SUPER_VISIONS: Loving-Kindfulness will help you gain more meaning, value, purpose and joy in your life. It is the result of over forty years of work and offers solutions to seemingly unsurmountable emotional problems.

Our Super Visionary Loving-Kindfulness Based Therapy works on-line with a 4 week course and follows the ten stages child within based training introducing you to your own gentle child within.

Kindfulness is designed to help you handle difficult thoughts, feelings and moods by learning to respond rather than react to life's difficulties in a positive way. Loving-Kindfulness adds a positive solution to all problems requiring a basis in Truth, Trust and Consent.

You will learn the core skill of 'Loving-Kindfulness' - a way of of being present in body, mind and the world around you. This enables you to cultivate and increase awareness and offers positive changes in your life.
