The 3 Ts truth trust and consent.Learn how to access, The pulse of freedom

Learn how to access, The pulse of freedom beats in the heart of The Child Within and is something that we all intuitively know is our birthright.

Yet, many in this us are not free. You don't have to be a prisoner to have freedom taken away.

If we're honest - many people like you and me are not free.

We "think" we're free. But we're not.

We're run by dissociated Survival Patterns (irrational fears) that want us to stay safe. And in the process of staying safe, we squander our freedom.

Webster's defines freedom as "the absence of constraint of choice".

Meaning, we can make any choice we want.

And while we believe that we have this - the truth is, we limit the kinds of choices that we allow ourselves to make.

We tend to make choices that limit us.

The choice to stay small. Stay quite. Not speak up. Not shine. Not stand out. To fit in. The not disturb the status quo. The delay our dreams. To procrastinate. To never get started. To think we need the approval of someone else before we get started.

We are the ones who get in the way of our ability to choose.

What's true is that you could choose in any moment to be free. To leave the relationship.  The blog. To get married. To have children. To get divorced. To lose the weight.

But, until we become aware of our unconscious survival programming, we will only have the illusion of free will and choice. Why? Because we are allowing ourselves to be run by our irrational fears.
