
Showing posts from December, 2015

The recovery of our human consciousness is a question of personal efforts

So the orthodox recovery approach is scuppered.

We are peculiarly vulnerable to the dissociation of trauma

We recover when we acknowledge the expansive urge of truth in our child within.

The Child Within has become a mental repository that holds our repressed feelings and experiences

Investigate what the mind is and it will disappear

Self-surrender,is the same as self-knowledge, and either of them implies self-control

Our lives have become miserable. And, to escape that misery, we have created various escape routes

Now when the senses become free of the thoughts of the mind

It is possible to liberate the senses from the clutches of thought

If you experience reality as it is

The path of Self liberates one from the never-ending fear and disorder resulting from taking the ego to be real.

Whatever be the means adopted, you must at last return to the Self

Yet this is the ordinary way that most people think. Caught up in the inner dialogue of the ego

Double, triple or multiple-mindedness is the ordinary state of the vast, vast majority of people.

Where is the person when you were fourteen years of age?

The stager is to reach a point,where he or she can make the choice not to react automatically to external stimuli

These flashes of greater consciousness, are the unexpected result of strenuous efforts made in order not to lose ourselves in the rush